Six month health members receive testing of biological Ionization (advanced urine and saliva PH tests), nutritional blood analysis, plus 3 focused nutritional consults and minerals testing. If you do not know your blood type, we can also test your blood type at no additional cost. Your first appt is a biological ionization test and a nutritional blood analysis. It will last 2 hours. This cost is $110 -no tax. SPECIAL for COUPLES – $185 (no tax).
This plan is for those who are SERIOUS about changing their health for the better, and are wiling to work hard to grow and learn over the six months to become independently (WEALTHY) HEALTHY! What power to know how to take care of yourself holistically and no longer be confused or having to guess what is what. It is phenomenal to live with abundant health, full of energy and hope for longevity and quality life, especially as you age. Learn to live THE BLUE ZONE WAY!!!
At the end of your first appt for the six month plan you will be set up for follow appts during the six month. There will be 5 more payments for 5 months starting at a date of your choice anywhere from 4-5 weeks after your first appt payment. The payments will be deducted by monthly auto pay through Square business, at either $110 or $175 (including the OAT test) depending on which plan you choose (no tax) per month. Appts will be set up for at least once a month, but you may come in anytime you would like, when there are open spots. On your last appt of the six month plan you will receive a typed up maintenance plan designed specifically just for you.
The follow up schedule will begin starting 3-4 weeks later, to fit your personal schedule. Follow up appts. will be 60-75 minutes long. Here, we will assess how you are doing in the first month and beyond, At each appt during the six months we will assess and work on each individual’s health needs and goals. Achieving abundant health takes time, education and consistency. Plus, what you need on day one may be totally different than what you need on month six as your health needs change and improve, and we work towards maintaining long term, optimal health achievement.
Monthly appts will be different based on each individual’s needs.
Additional Benefits to the six month membership that you make take advantage of any time during the one-year period:
- Will help you read and decipher your traditional blood test results. If you do not have health insurance for regular blood tests, we can send away for tests such as D3, Cholesterol, inflammation, hormones, thyroid, etc.
- Email access to ask questions or if you have concerns.
Once your six month contract ends you may choose either the every THREE- FOUR month plan (for discounted pricing- $110 per appt) or come in every SIX months for $125 per appt. If you do not choose the every 4 month or 6 month plan, any additional appts you book are $135 (no tax) for full testing or $95 for single live blood analysis test or $95 for a single urine/saliva test.